Sunday, June 16, 2013

M-2 Network scanning Part 1

Hello buddy's, How are you ? wanna know detail about network scanning? Don't worry so this our second part NETWORK SCANNING. :)

Network scanning task is very important & necessary in cyber security field. we gather three main things by using network scanning.
1) IP address & open port's of live hosts.
2) O.S (Operating System) & system architecture.
3) Service running on host

You can say it is procedure for finding information related to Host, Port & Services on a given network.
Scanning is one of the components of intelligence gathering for an attacker to create a profile of the target organization.

There are basically three type of scanner
1) Port Scanning
2) Network Scanning
3) Vulnerability Scanning

1) Port Scanning

--> It is a technique used to identify open ports & services available on a network host.
--> It is also utilized by security technicians to audit computers for vulnerabilities.
--> Also used by hacker's to target victim's.
--> It can be used to send request to connect to the targeted computer and then keep track of the ports        which appear to be opened or those that respond to the request.
--> Each individual computer runs on multiple ports.
--> Unfortunately, Criminals & computer hacker are always looking for new victims to exploit & port             scanning is one of the way's through which this can be accomplished.

2) Network Scanning

--> It is one type of procedure by which we cab identify active host on a network or for network security assessment.
--> Generally attacker use this for attacking to target host after identifying vulnerability on network.

3) Vulnerability Scanning

--> A process of pro actively identifying security vulnerability of computing system in a network in order to determine if & where a system can be exploited and/or threatened.
--> This Scanning procedure is refers to the scanning of system that are connected to the internet but also refer to that are not connected to the internet.

Now friends Tell me Do you know something about ICMP?
ICMP (Internet control management protocol )

here we are not discussing about what ICMP does? why ICMP need for scanning we already learn about this protocol in our graduation level. So we are here just see the main role of ICMP scanning used in network scanning.
--> Ping scan involves sending ICMP Echo request to the host if the host is live, it will return an ICMP Echo reply.
--> This perticular scan is for locating active device of determine if ICMP is passing through a firewall.

E.g Ping scan output using NMAP 
# nmap -sP -v 129.67.X.X

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